AMHCA Home Studies

Home Study: Evidenced-Based Relationship Practice: Enhancing Counselor Competence 

03-02-2017 13:18

Evidence-Based Relationship Practice: Enhancing Counselor Competence
by John Sommers-Flanagan
Volume 37, Issue 02 - April 2015

By John Sommers-Flanagan Defining mental health counselor competence is difficult. Unfortunately, professional definitions of competence often rely on abstract knowledge that is difficult for counselors to apply. This article highlights the history and terminology associated with the evidence-based movement in medicine, psychology, and counseling. Using this historical information as a foundation, a relationally-oriented, evidence-based practice model for achieving competence in mental health counseling is proposed. The model emphasizes such evidence-based relationship factors as (a) congruence and genuineness, (b) the working alliance, (c) unconditional positive regard or radical acceptance, (d) empathic understanding, (e) rupture and repair, (f) managing countertransference, (g) implementing in- and out-of-session (homework) procedures, and (h) progress monitoring. The purpose of the model is to articulate a distinctive and practical evidence-based approach that mental health counselors can wholeheartedly embrace.

Article is free for AMHCA members:

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Non-AMHCA members will need to purchase the article:

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AMHCA will provide 1.0 CE for reading and completing the accompanying quiz with a passing grade (80% or higher). American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA) has been approved to provide continuing education by the National Board for Certified Counselors and the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board. All sales are final - home study registrations are non-refundable.

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