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JMHC Special Issue Call for Papers: International Counseling

By Whitney Meyerhoeffer posted 06-15-2023 15:48


Special Issue Call for Papers: International Counseling 

The Journal of Mental Health Counseling is seeking manuscripts for a special issue on international counseling. We welcome proposal submissions for both empirical and non-empirical (e.g., conceptual, review) manuscripts.


  • Proposal Due (300 to 500 words): August 15, 2023
  • Invitation for Full Manuscript: October 1, 2023
  • Full Manuscript Due: February 1, 2024
  • Anticipated Fall 2024 publication

Guest Editor

  • Dr. Arne Weigold, Kent State University


Over the past several decades, businesses have become increasingly global. The counseling profession is no exception, and it continues to both develop and thrive around the world. Since various aspects of the profession, such as training and legal requirements, often differ across countries, there is a strong need to better understand the experiences of counselors in different parts of the world. Furthermore, the American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA) has advocated for culturally competent and humble services to be provided to all clients. Given the number of foreign-born clients in many countries (including the United States), as well as their strong heterogeneity, it is necessary for counselors to be able to provide ethical and competent care to international clients.

The goal of this Special Issue is to inform readers about international aspects of the counseling profession. We are interested in submissions that clearly relate to any aspect of international counseling in any part of the world. Topics may include but are not limited to:

  • Counseling practices for working with foreign-born clients with different statuses (e.g., international students, refugees)
  • Providing competent care for clients with specific nationalities
  • Social inequities related to or impacting foreign-born clients
  • Professional experiences of counselors in different parts of the world
  • Professional experiences of foreign-born counselors

We will evaluate proposals on their relevance, contribution to the literature, recommendations for practice, and readability. Proposals (at least 300 words in length and no longer than 500 words) should be submitted by August 15, 2023, to, noting “JMHC Special Issue” in the email subject header. The proposal should include the working title/author(s), affiliations, and email addresses; a detailed description of the proposed manuscript (include brief recommendations for counselors); and connection to the Special Issue. The Guest Editor, Dr. Arne Weigold, will review proposals and request full manuscript submissions by October 1, 2023. Invited authors should then submit full manuscripts by February 1, 2024. Full manuscripts will undergo a peer review process; therefore, please note that there is no guarantee of eventual acceptance of any submitted manuscript. All manuscripts must conform to the author guidelines for the Journal of Mental Health Counseling (see, “Manuscript Preparation”), including the 25-page limit (all inclusive).

