A report released by Sapien Labs indicates that smartphone use could be responsible for an ongoing decline in the mental health of young adults in the 18-24 age range. The report notes that before the internet, by the time someone turned 18, they would have spent “15,000 to 25,000 hours...
New research from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) has found that socially isolated children are more likely to experience ADHD symptoms and loneliness as young adults despite other risk factors in childhood. The study, published in JCPP Advances, investigated...
Expertise based on experience matters. Young people who experience mental health challenges and treatment can provide unique insights that others do not have. Through roles such as youth advisors and peer researchers, they can put that knowledge to use. They are best placed to make a participant...
The roughly two years since the beginning of the pandemic have seen a significant increase in teenage girls visiting emergency rooms due to mental health conditions, according to a study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . The study found that the proportion of emergency...
A UK-based research project, the largest of its kind on the subject, has suggested mindfulness training in schools might be a dead end—at least as a universal, one-size-fits-all approach. The study, which involved 28,000 children, 650 teachers and 100 schools, looked at the impact of mindfulness...
Stress-related thoughts and physiological responses in adolescents can be reduced using a single 30-minute online training session. The findings suggest a short, low-cost treatment for adolescent stress that could be scaled nationally. SOURCE: By David S. Yeager, July 7, 2022 Nature Magazine ...
“A study published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin sheds light on the importance of perceived partner responsiveness in promoting affectionate touch within romantic relationships. Across a series of four studies, the researchers found that people who felt more cared for and...
“Findings from the Journal of Psychiatric Research point to a negative focus on the past as a fundamental aspect of depression. The study found that childhood trauma was associated with elevated depressive symptoms, but only among those who showed a tendency to focus on the past over the...
“When people are told to imagine that an event is going to happen to them and to a friend (e.g., winning $100), people prefer that they and their friend experience these events at the same time rather than on different days. The findings, published in Social Psychological and Personality...
A psychology study offers insight into why psychopathy—a largely “inhuman” personality trait—continues to exist across time and cultures. During a prisoner’s dilemma game, subclinical psychopathy was associated with a strategic social strategy that suggests fitness advantages to the trait. The...