Gestalt Underpinnings of the HEART Model (a Faith-Based Model Designed to Heal Complex Trauma)

Gestalt Underpinnings of the HEART Model (a Faith-Based Model Designed to Heal Complex Trauma)

When:  Feb 21, 2025 from 10:00 to 11:30 (ET)

The HEART Model was designed over twenty years of research and study working with complex sexual trauma. Over the last eighteen years, these techniques and issues have been applied to working with survivors of sexual trauma, refugees, and survivors of human sexual trafficking.

The methodology is a ten-stage process that embraces secular techniques and Best Practice methodologies such as Exposure Therapy, EMDR< Somatic Work, etc. The process also works with the clients' faith-base (not the therapists). Recent research has shown significant improvements in client outcomes when faith is included and asked for by the client (Rosmarin 2018).

The underpinnings of the techniques are based on Gestalt and Solution Focused Therapy. This workshop will focus on those underpinnings and critical thinking of the Gestalt skills necessary to make this work. The most significant technique is based on what has become known as chairwork. Chairwork works with incongruent parts of self and through self-dialogue. The client attempts to come to a place of homeostasis and confluence through the confrontation of parts of self that are dissonant utilizing the process of chairwork. The same process is used to establish a solid connection with the client's view of the Deity to clear out beliefs and conflicts that inhibit the client's progress in treatment. In this way, the techniques are used with the HEART model, as a way parts of self have to confront traditionally the adult self of now with the child part of self who might feel damaged, deflected, hurt, abused, etc, and are supported in being strengthened and to increase their self-esteem and person dignity. The same process is used with the client's view of the Deity. The HEART Model has been taught over the past twenty years worldwide with significant success and research is starting to show its efficacy (Keyes, 2018).

We will also discuss the research and its findings which indicate a significant decrease in all PTSD and dissociative symptoms, an increase in personal self-esteem, and a positive increase in God image. Please join this workshop which will cover lecture material, demonstration, and discussion. Cultural issues will be discussed especially regarding LBGTQ++, refugees, and trafficked women.

Earn 1.5 Contact Hours for attending this event.

