*Previously Recorded from 6/14/2021 to 6/25/2021 - Not a Live Event** We are truly living out our conference theme by: Recognizing the current situation, Reframing our way of thinking about our conference, and Restoring the quality and engagement that is unique and important to...
The past year saw the word “unprecedented” thrown around a lot, and rightly so. In the transition to virtual programming, associations like AMHCA had to be extra clever and resourceful when it came to meetings and events – the aspects of membership that had traditionally been contingent on the...
At AMHCA, we recognize that a virtual event is different from an in-person event. There are things you miss by not being in person, but there are things you gain by being virtual. For me, there are less hugs, not as many snacks (or maybe more), and not as many opportunities for those sidebar...
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I would like to congratulate Dr. Beverly Smith, AMHCA’s President-Elect and Chair of the Conference Planning Committee, and all the members of the committee, for their outstanding and hard work in organizing this year’s AMHCA’s Virtual Conference Program “UNITE! – RECOGNIZE. REFRAME. RESTORE.” ...
First, we hope everyone is safe, warm and healthy. AMHCA has, again, been faced with a difficult decision this year regarding our conference. After thoughtful discussion with the Board of Directors and a member survey, we have decided to move our 2021 Conference to a fully...
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