AMHCA Home Studies

Home Study: Detrimental Association: An Epistemological Connection of Dysfunction Within and Across Paradigms 

03-02-2017 13:24

Detrimental Association: An Epistemological Connection of Dysfunction Within and Across Paradigms
by Jeffrey Warren; R. Cottone
Volume 37, Issue 02 - April 2015

The notion of common factors in counseling and psychotherapy theory is not new. This article contends that detrimental associations are the root of dysfunction and are common to all theories of counseling and psychotherapy. The article defines detrimental associations as organic or auxiliary connections formed by clients that lead to dysfunction. Associations deemed detrimental include a variety of aspects of a client’s life, depending upon the theoretical lens through which dysfunction is viewed. The article explores how detrimental associations are conceptualized by level and across theories and paradigms and discusses implications for professional counseling.

Article is free for AMHCA members:

For AMHCA members to access the journal they must first go to and log in to the website with their username and password. Once they have logged in, they will click on “Journal of Mental Health Counseling” under the “Publications” tab. From there they will click on the “ Member Access” icon.

Non-AMHCA members will need to purchase the article:

Articles are available to non-members for $25.

AMHCA will provide 1.0 CE for reading and completing the accompanying quiz with a passing grade (80% or higher). American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA) has been approved to provide continuing education by the National Board for Certified Counselors and the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board. All sales are final - home study registrations are non-refundable.

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