Library Documents

194 Entries
7 years ago
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Medicaid services are provided by a range of public and private health care professionals and organizations, the list of which varies from state to state. States have latitude in defining ...

7 years ago
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There has been a widely recognized workforce shortage in the field of behavioral health for many years. It involves both specialty-level providers in mental health and addiction services ...

7 years ago
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An estimated four million young people will develop a severe mental disorder, such as schizophrenia or bipolar affective disorder. In addition to its enormous economic costs, serious ...

7 years ago
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Under the changing health care landscape, clinical mental health counselors (CMHCs) and other mental health providers now have the opportunity to integrate behavioral health metrics ...

7 years ago
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In recent years the concept of neuroscience - the study of the brain and nervous system - has quickly made its way into Clinical Mental Health Counseling vernacular. In the Journal ...

7 years ago
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AMHCA past president Tom Ferro, LCPC, offers valuable guidance from decisions on getting started to developing a niche, from using the power of word of mouth to selecting a billing ...

7 years ago
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This white paper provides recommendations for the use of technology assisted counseling (TAC) between clinical mental health counselors and clients. TAC can include the use of synchronous ...

7 years ago
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Effective treatment helps an individual resolve trauma-related memories and feelings. In doing this, they process underlying self-beliefs, learn how to regulate strong emotions, and ...

7 years ago
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This white paper is a preliminary look at the needs of persons at-risk for suicide or suicide attempts. Readers are encouraged to pursue the plentiful evidence-based practices and best ...

7 years ago
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This white paper explores the Affordable Care Act's impacts on mental health care and discusses a framework for understanding how to promote mental health and prevent illness that can ...
